Sixth wave of weekly AMC Global study on consumer perceptions during COVID-19 released today
Insights | May 7, 2020

The sixth wave of the weekly study by AMC Global (an international custom market research firm specializing in launch strategies and brand tracking) and OpinionRoute (a leader in insights process management) was released today. This week’s research focuses on two different timely topics: timing estimates for what businesses will be visited by consumers once restrictions are lifted; and drivers of alcohol consumption and shifts in choices during the pandemic.
New results will be released on Thursdays based on the study’s weekly polling of U.S.-based general population primary purchasers age 21+.
Key findings for the week of May 4:
Business patronage after restrictions are lifted:
- Sixty-two percent of consumers are planning to visit hair salons and barber shops within one month of restrictions being lifted in the United States.
- Consumers are going to wait longer before returning to crowded activities, such as going to concerts (with only 13% willing to attend within the first month of bans being retracted) and sporting events (16%).
- The study looked at concerns specifically for returning to bars and restaurants. The largest concerns are the proximity to others (or the inability to appropriately social distance) and the additional spread or potential second wave of COVID-19.
Choice and type of alcohol during COVID-19:
- Fifty-nine percent of consumers cite availability as their top driver for choice of which alcoholic beverages to drink during restrictions. With 33% choosing based on what’s available on hand, 32% what’s available in-store, and 9% what’s available for home delivery.
- Thirty percent of consumers say their consumption of beer has increased during stay-at-home orders, with 20% saying beer consumption has decreased. Meanwhile, wine consumption has increased as much as it has decreased (22% increased, 20% decreased).
A complete representation of the venue frequenting data can be found here; and a representation of the alcohol-related data can be found here. New results and findings will be released on May 14. The study findings are designed to help clients and industry leaders navigate quickly changing consumer behavior during the crisis.
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