The Human Face of FraudThree years ago, I ran an on-site training on the topic of data quality. The room was packed and people were excited to discuss trends. One client in particular asked a lot of questions about how and why fraud happens....
Meet the 8 Fraudsters you Love to HateSurvey Fraud increase kills researchers time and data quality Online survey fraud and bad data are at an all-time high in the market research industry. To kick off the new year we've created the top reasons you need CleanID, because...
Avoiding False Positives: Survey Data Protection is a BalanceIf you’re like me, you’re sick of hearing about the “New Normal” that COVID has inflicted upon us. Some examples are very obvious, while others are not so much. Respondents in survey research are living through subtle changes that impact...
Raising the Bar on ‘Acceptable Loss’ LevelsOver the past decade, countless articles, keynote speeches, and podcasts have highlighted online market research risks. Whether you are reading this as a research agency professional, a panel company (supplier), or an end client, you are likely aware of terms...
Online Survey Fraud is expanding. Why?In the last year or so, online research has faced a rapidly growing reality: survey data quality issues are escalating and one key reason is that fraud is growing largely unchecked. The dynamics at play are more complex than you’d...
Cookies are Going Away – This Will Impact SurveysWritten by Rich RatcliffCIO of OpinionRouteIn 2008 while I was President of another research firm, our lead programmer pointed out to me that 20% of our survey takers were on mobile devices. Yet, all of our surveys until then were assuming...
Time to Get Proactive with your Data Quality StrategyIndustry events often include one or more sessions on the topic of quality. That presentation usually shines a spotlight on survey design. I think we can all agree that shorter surveys, more engaging UI, and fun topics increase respondent engagement....
Take Control of your Data QualityData Quality isn’t just a Procurement Issue Online market researchers were conditioned years ago to equate the sample vendor selection process with data quality vetting. However, in today’s automated market, sample firms face the daily challenge of balancing their business...
US Survey Farm Fraud Discovered by CleanIDCleanID, OpinionRoute’s fraud prevention technology, has identified a new threat to survey data. We have discovered device farms built specifically for survey fraud traced back to Texas. This latest finding is a sign of how complex the effort to monitor...