5 Part Series
What is Data Quality and how can I improve it?In Market Research, Data Quality is assumed table-stakes. But, the reality is that today it’s more difficult to achieve than ever. Marketing, insights and market research Pros may be spending millions of dollars on useless results that ultimately mislead clients...

5 Part Series
Topic 2: Survey Fraud is a Factor to ManageThis is part 2 of the "What is Data Quality?" series. Click here to read part 1: https://www.opinionroute.com/dataquality/what-is-data-quality-and-how-can-i-improve-it/ The survey sampling ecosystem has become highly automated in recent years. Yesterday’s norms of deep validation, ongoing community management and responsive survey...

5 Part Series
Topic 3: How to Measure Data QualityThis is part 3 of the "What is Data Quality?" series. Click here to read part 2: https://www.opinionroute.com/blog/topic-2-survey-fraud-is-a-factor-to-manage/ Too often, in market Research sample, purchase decisions are made based on qualitative factors- convenience, vendor brand identity, historical experiences, etc. But...

5 Part Series
Topic 4: Professional ExperienceThis is part 4 of the "What is Data Quality?" series. Click here to read part 3: https://www.opinionroute.com/blog/topic-3-how-to-measure-data-quality/ No matter how systematized you get with a data quality strategy and great tech tools, you still need expertise and informed judgment...

5 Part Series
Survey Fraud: From the Mouths of the Ghosts who Pull it OffA 5 part Series on Fraud in the Survey Ecosystem. Part 1: Survey Fraud Approaches- From the Ghosts who pull it off. In 2022, I spent more time trolling devious online characters than I care to admit. At least it...

5 Part Series
Part 2: The Unreal Moment(s) with the Ghosts of Survey FraudPlease review part 1 here. As a researcher who has been fighting fraud for years, speaking with 2 fraudsters in 24 hours was surreal. My thoughts were crystal clear - Keep it real and keep them connected for some answers....

5 Part Series
Part 3: Myth and Truths Around Survey Fraud Through the Eyes of MR ProfessionalsPlease review part 2 here. As follow up to our Survey Fraudster interview recap, we wanted to focus on application of key learnings. Let’s start with some myth busting. Myth 1: I can see the fraud by reviewing my...

5 Part Series
Part 4: 4 Components of a Great Project Data Quality ApproachPlease review part 3 here. In our last post, we shared common myths that we need to bust out of MR around Fraud approaches. Today, we share OpinionRoute’s framework around data quality. We see the process as four defined...

5 Part Series
Part 5: How the Industry Overall can CollaborateReview part 4 here. What about the industry at large? All this great advice works, but what can be done to hold these bad actors responsible? We need to agree on whom and how each are responsible? Or, even better,...