Company News
Brookmark Research Taps OpinionRoute as Fraud Prevention Technology PartnerOpinionRoute LLC, a Market Research workflow technology and services company, announces that Brookmark Research, a data-driven consultancy firm, has chosen the CleanID technology as its exclusive survey fraud prevention and deduplication solution. Brookmark will implement the CleanID technology across all surveys beginning...

The Problem with Blaming the Survey for Poor Data QualityMy morning routine today included one of my favorite industry podcasts. It was great to hear an episode focus on a topic close to my heart – data quality in online surveys. The guest, representing a major global sample firm,...

How To Thrive With an In-Person TeamEight years ago, I started OpinionRoute almost as a zig to my industry's zag. While competitors went toward automation-at-all-costs models, I set up a company that presented a return to traditional best practices coupled with great technology. In 2021, we...

Don’t Just Survive Q4 – Thrive!While it may sound ominous to use 'survival' when talking about Q4, it's not a stretch to say that the last three months of the year are truly unique in their demands and challenges. That's why we've compiled a resource...

Improve Data Quality with Device Person Project StrategyData quality isn't something that immediately comes to mind when talking about the housing boom of the 1950s, but when it comes to online survey data collection, there's a definite connection. After World War II, large subdivisions of homes started...

Online Sample Traffic JamIf you’re wondering why your online survey sample partner is struggling to complete projects (especially in small geographies), you’re in good company. Currently, the online sample industry is navigating supply crunches that aren’t common for this time of the business...

Is Sample part of AdTech or Insights?A participant made an interesting remark made on this week’s ResTech online conference. Paraphrasing, he said that online sample (and the various technologies and companies) are actually a sub-industry under AdTech. As a 20+ year industry vet, I always viewed...

The Human Face of FraudThree years ago, I ran an on-site training on the topic of data quality. The room was packed and people were excited to discuss trends. One client in particular asked a lot of questions about how and why fraud happens....

Meet the 8 Fraudsters you Love to HateSurvey Fraud increase kills researchers time and data quality Online survey fraud and bad data are at an all-time high in the market research industry. To kick off the new year we've created the top reasons you need CleanID, because...